- Social Action and Justice in our College community begin with building the right relationships centered around the Catholic Social Teaching of respecting the dignity of all.
- Our community is made up of people of a diverse range of cultural, social, and religious backgrounds, where the notions of welcome and inclusion foreground communication, interaction, and relationships.
- Social Justice and the Social Action of the Church are embedded into the religious curriculum and are addressed across other areas of learning, allowing students opportunities for critical discernment and action.
- Advocacy for building a just community and the responsibility of stewardship is inherent in the spirit and ethos of our College and in the imperative to take action to do "something about it" through our service to others and the world around us.
- The culture of our Catholic community allows for, and encourages, self-reflection to ensure that through action, justice is served and dignity and equality for all are maintained.
©Brisbane Catholic Education, Mary MacKillop College (2022)